React Hooks vs Redux: Which to use for better productivity?
Redux and React hooks should not be viewed as diametrically opposed. They are distinct entities with unique objectives.
When React Hooks was first released, a number of developers were perplexed by the concepts offered and how they would fit into the Redux library. This was exacerbated by the useReducer hook.
What are React Hooks?
Without depending on component classes, React Hooks is a new approach of handling state and life cycle in React components. It was first added in the library's 16.8 version, with the goal of reducing component complexity by sharing functionality amongst them.
What is Redux?
Redux is a library for managing the overall state of an application. We can discover various utilities in this package that enable us, as developers, keep track of the state of the application and modify it by allowing the user to emit actions.
According to the documentation, Redux is based on three basic principles:
The global state of your application is kept in an object tree within a single store, providing a single source of truth.
The State is read-only, which means that the only method to alter it is to emit actions.
Pure functions are used to make changes: the reducer should be implemented as a pure function to update the store.
React Hooks Vs Redux
Both of them deal with state management, although they do it in different ways. The following phrase has a lot of abstraction, yet it appears to be a golden rule for knowing whether you should utilise Redux in your application:
In apps with several functionalities, Redux should be used. With these features, you may share portions of the same data.
The Redux capabilities may be replicated by utilising the useContext and useReducer methods. Redux provides various free tools to assist us to manage the project without having to start from scratch. It also provides us with the following benefits:
Keeping track of the current status of ourthe entire application; Redux-devtools, for example, are debugging tools that may be used when development. Using the connect() function, you may change the current state without having to re-render the entire application.
To Sum Up…
Redux and React Hooks should be viewed as both complementary and dissimilar. While you can handle the global state with the new React Hooks additions, useContext and useReducer, in applications with more complexity, you can depend on Redux to assist you to manage the application data.
Both may be utilised to create an application if you so want. While Redux is in charge of global state and dispatchable actions, React Hooks is in charge of local component state.